
 <My Home Town>

     Kinmen’s local features. First, I want to introduce some historic landmarks, such as Beishan Broadcast Wall, Beishan Old Western Style House, Shanhou Folk Culture Village, Guningtou Battle Museum, August 23 Artillery Battle Museum, Shishan (Mt. Lion) Howitzer Front…these places are famous for war culture.Second, I want to recommend you some food. 

1.        Guangdong Congee, it would cook until the rice melted.

 2.        Egg pancake with hot dog. 

3.        Kaoliang liquor sashimi crab, which is raw and mixed with Kaoliang liquor.

 4.        Beef noodles, why they’re special is because the meat is especially tender.

5.        Oyster, famous for growing on the anti-landing piles.

6.        Kaoliang liquor ice cream, the one and only special food you can eat at Chuen Shin Kinmen Gifts Store.

7.        Kaoliang liquor milk tea, special for it will adds one cup of Kaoliang liquor into milk tea.You can enjoy the country lifestyle, and people here is very nice, see the beautiful nature, and watch the gorgeous sunset.The most important of all in Kinmen is Kaoliang liquor.Because of dry weather, the Kaoliang field can cultivate better Kaoliang. It has different style to drink and is really famous in the world. You can find many beautiful places to take photos.Hope to see you in Kinmen in the future. Thank you for your attention.

我的家鄉-金門 因為以前是打仗的第一戰線,保留了許多戰地文化、歷史古蹟、特色的食物,也是一個充滿人情味的地方。 歷史古蹟有:北山播音牆(1)、北山洋樓(2)、山后民俗文化村(3)、古寧頭戰史館(4)、八二三戰史館(5)擎天廳(6) 軌條砦……這些都跟戰地文化有關。


